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Showing articles from UPS tag

Why is my tracking number not working?

Once an order leaves our facility, it can take up to 24 hours for an estimated delivery date to be generated. If you continue to see issues with your tracking number, please contact our Online Customer Service team via email at [[email protected]][1]. [1]: mailto:[email protected]

My tracking number shows my order was delivered, but I never received it. What do I do?

If your UPS tracking information states, "Delivered", but you have yet to receive it, please contact our Online Customer Service team: [[email protected]][1]. Please make sure to include your order number and tracking number where possible. [1]: mailto:[email protected]

What are your shipping rates?

## RATES & DELIVERY TERMS * Destination: United Kingdom Service Cost Transit Time UPS STANDARD *FREE Shipping for registered users £4.98 6-8 Business Days ## HOW ARE SHIPPING COSTS CALCULATED? Unless otherwise selected, all orders are shipped on our standard service which is charged at a fixed rate as outlin…

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