Unfortunately, we are not able to process returns or exchanges for items purchased from a third party. We recommend handling the exchange through the original place of purchase or returning the item to the original place of purchase and placing a new order on our website.
If you are banking with the same institution, you should not have a problem receiving your refund if you contact your bank directly. If you have a new bank, contact our Online Customer Service team with your new credit card information by emailing [email protected] .
After you drop off your package, the time it takes to get to us varies based on the shipping carrier and where it was sent from. Once we receive your package, we’ll issue your refund in 5-7 business days. You’ll receive an email confirmation once the return process is complete. Depending on your financial institutio…
FREE RETURNS Registered Users automatically qualify for free return shipping. Please contact customer service for your a free return shipping label and return authorisation number. Guest users can request a return shipping label charged to the original method of payment in accordance with our Shipping Rates . …